Evaluation of the Outcome of IVF Treatment

Evaluation of the Outcome of IVF Treatment

Success in IVF is taking a child home rather than getting pregnant.

The pregnancy test is done on the 14th day of the egg collection day or 11-12 days of the transfer by looking at the beta-HCG hormone in the blood. If the test is positive, the patient continues to use the progesterone hormone. When the test is repeated with an interval of two days, the beta-HCG value is expected to double.

When the beta-HCG value reaches 1000, the gestational sac begins to be seen by ultrasound. The first heartbeat of the baby is seen at the 6th week of pregnancy, this is approximately one month after the transfer.

In cases where the pregnancy test is negative, the drugs (progesterone hormone) used by the patient are discontinued.

If pregnancy has occurred, luteal phase support 8-12. continues until the gestational week.

USG image of 6 weeks of pregnancy
